Kai D Retail Store Opening

Posted on December 05, 2013 by Kai D. Fan

Since the closing of my last retail shop at the Lower East Side in 2011, it has been my dream to open up my new flagship store.  After many tribulations and uncertainties, my retail store at 230 Grand Street was officially open on Nov. 22.  Located in a pre-war building built in 1910, we are happy to now call this our new home to showcase the complete Kai D. collection as well as Brooklyn Grooming, Hudson Made, Chincharmaloney, Wolf and Friend, and Merchant and Mills.  We are committed to our philosophy of high quality, timeless, and functional products which are made locally.  Please visit our Facebook page and follow our twitter, instagram to get regular update on the new merchandise that we are bringing to the store.  Our current hours are as follows:

Monday: Closed

Tuesday - Friday: 1 - 7pm

Saturday: 12 - 7pm

Sunday: 12 - 6pm

Address: 230 Grand Street (near Driggs Avenue), Brooklyn NY 11211

Telephone: (347) 765 2204

Posted in Kai D., Made in New York


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